Hi - a brief background history
Born and raised in London, I left home at 16 to wash pots in a hotel in Devon. Many jobs and locations later I settled in Brighton in 1989.
Then In 1993, I studied with Robert Tisserand and obtained a diploma in Holistic Aromatherapy from the Tisserand Institute in London. I established a small part time practice working from home and worked part time in a local bank.
However, I was looking for a more authentic way of living and in an attempt to merge work and life more harmoniously I moved to India 1997 and it has been my home since then. I met and married Sivan in 1999 which enabled me to become more
entwined in the local community.
My Zen journey started in earnest in 2003 after a visit to Bodhi Zendo near Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu .
For a more in depth recollection of this time you can read an article I wrote for Life Positive Magazine:
There has been (of course) more changes since that article including spending 18 months in England, caring for my mother before her death from cancer in 2015. The current Kin-Hin centre is actually my gift from her for which I am incredibly grateful.
So....To sum up 26 years of Indian twists, turns, joys, emotional turmoils aided by faith and trust; in Zen terms I would say I continue trying to walk straight on a narrow road with 99 curves.
Lets see where it leads!